About KOSA

KOSA will always be together for the development of the Korean steel industry.


  1. 2019.07 Launched the Modular Construction Committee
  2. 2018.05 Launched the integrated management system for steel export
  3. 2018.04 Designated as the steel export approval institution to the U.S
  4. 2016.08 Launched the Steel Forum in National Assembly
  5. 2015.10 Hosted the first SteelKorea
  6. 2015.03 Launched the Wire Rod Council
  7. 2012.02 Korea Iron & Steel Association - Korea Metal Material Research Association Integrated management
  8. 2012.01 Launched the Steel Trade Response Committee
  9. 2010.03 Opening of steel specialized service provider SteelData
  1. 2009.07 KOSA designated as Co-operating Organization for Standards (COSD)
  2. 2009.05 Establishment of the Illegal Steel Products Reporting Center
  3. 2005.12 Launched the Steel Scrap Committee
  4. 2005.10 Hosted the general meeting of the IISI
  5. 2005.07 Published the History of the Korean Steel Industry
  6. 2005.06 Hosted the 30th Anniversary
  7. 2005.03 Launched the Steel HRD Council
  8. 2005.03 Launched the Steel Pipe Council
  9. 2005.01 Operation of Trade Remedy Support Center
  10. 2004.06 Hosted the Marathon Competition to celebrate the Steel Day
  11. 2002.04 Establishment of Steel Construction Center(formerly called Steel House Club and Steel Construction Club)
  12. 2000.06 Hosted the first Steel Day
  1. 1999.02 Designated the Steel Day(June, 9th) and Celebrated since June 9th, 2000
  2. 1998.01 Started KOSIS(Korea Steel Statistics Information Service)
  3. 1997.03 Establishment of Technology Expertise Subcommittee
  4. 1996.12 Establishment of Steel Publicity Committee
  5. 1996.08 Founded the Stainless Steel Club
  6. 1996.02 Founded the Steel House Club and the Steel Construction Club
  1. 1989.11 Founded the Korea Metal Material Research Association
  2. 1982.11 Launched Iron and Steel Award system
  1. 1977.03 Designated as the Survey and Statistics Organization for the Steel Industry by Economic Planning Board and Bureau of Statistics
  2. 1976.07 Affiliated with SEAISI(South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute)
  3. 1976.04 Affiliated with Worldsteel(formerly called International Iron and Steel Institute)
  4. 1975.09 Hosted the first Seminar for Development of the Steel Industry and published KOSA Bulletin
  5. 1975.07 KOSA(Korea Iron and Steel Association)founded(Founder President : Park,Tae-Jun)